In this provocative video interview, the host of the radio show, “Hard Copy”, Mr. Steve McKinney interviews Mr. Ricardo Thurston, (Financial Analyst/Expert) on what carbon credits is, and how Bahamian citizens can benefit from it. Don’t pass this video by if you wish to learn what carbon credits is, and how you may benefit from it!
Mr. Ricardo Thurston on Hardcopy with Steve Mckinney
Stop The Steal is a WhatsApp social-media group that is dedicated to educating Bahamians about our Sovereign Wealth Funds, and matters relating to the Constitutional Rights of Bahamas. Click below to learn more about how you may join the group, and begin dialoging with us.
My fellow Bahamians, it is time for all of us to become educated on very important matters that affects us all! Below, are lonks to 2 main Bahamian Acts; the Investment Fund Act, and the Climate Change Act.
Download Investment Fund Act HERE
Download Climate Change Act HERE
Good day Mastermind Group! Here we can add excerpts of an article. Good day Mastermind Group! Here we can add excerpts of an article. Good day Mastermind Group! Here we can add excerpts of an article.
The Bahamian Sovereign Wealth Movement was formed by Bahamians to benefit Bahamian by educating Bahamian citizens on matters regarding Bahamian carbon credits, Bahamian sovereign wealth fund, climate change, and other information pertaining to wealth creation for Bahamian men, women, and children.
Wealth in the Bahamas is not common. In fact, there exist the filthy rich, and the extremely impoverished in our country! With so much natural resources that exist in the Bahamas no Bahamian should have to suffer in squalor and poverty! Bahamians, rise up with us and fight for common Bahamian wealth, wealth for all Bahamian men, women, and children!
More than any other time in the history of the Bahamas, bahamians are experiencing an all-time high in financial hardships. This coupled with inflation, and the increase of the cost of living necessitate the country having an adequate sovereign wealth fund! Why was the sovereign wealth fund repealed, when the nation is so in dire need for relief. This article gives full disclosure on this issue.
Understanding what climate change is all about, and how it affects the world in which we live is all of our business. Learning what it is, how it affects us, and how we as citizens can help to limit, and event prevent climate change is discussed in this article.
The time for talking is done! We, the people must rise up, and make a serious stand for what is rightfully ours! Join us at our up and coming mass rally, where we expect to have 10,000 bahamian stand together to rally for what’s ours!
The Bahamian people deserve better than what we have in the Bahamas! Every Bahamian can benefit from the $156,000,000,000,000,000.00 that will be generated from carbon credits. Fight for your share of $50,000 per year!
Bahamas Sovereign Wealth Movement
Nassau, Bahamas
Telephone: Coming Soon
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